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Thank You to Volunteers, Sponsors & Donators

Memorial Composite High School would like to thank the community volunteers, sponsors, guest speakers and businesses for their time, expertise and donations. 

With your help, in 2023-2024, we were able to:

  • Coordinate cultural experiences that students may not have the opportunity to attend outside of school
  • Arrange field trips to enhance students’ learning
  • Provide real life education to students on field trips to local businesses
  • Give scholarships and awards to students
  • Support our Indigenous students
  • Gather valuable feedback through parent input, which assists School Council
  • Raise $50,434.00 for the Alberta Cancer Foundation through the MCHS Bike-A-Thon
  • Book professional guest speakers to talk to students about topics related to their course subjects
  • Fill coaching positions needed to run our athletics program
  • Fundraise for our Athletics Program to provide athletes with uniforms and equipment
  • Supplement our classrooms with additional supplies and food

Your contributions make a difference!


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