About English Courses

High School English Language Arts courses are designed to improve communication skills in six areas:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing 
  • Viewing
  • Representing

English is one of the required courses that students must take at all grade levels to prepare for continued academic studies and/or to improve their communication skills for the world of work.

All English courses are worth five credits each. English 30-1 and English 30-2 are diploma exam courses, and students' final grades in these courses are calculated as 70% of their school-awarded mark plus 30% of their diploma exam mark.

Course Sequences

English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1

These courses are for students who have demonstrated strengths in their use of language and their understanding of print and non-print texts. The -1 signifies the more academically rigorous sequence. In English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1, students study literature and writing that is both complex and formal. Print and non-print texts become increasingly more involved at each grade level. Students will write both personal responses and literary compositions based upon the works they have studied. Students begin with the study of the analytical formal essay at the English 10-1 level; theyhone  their skills through additional practice at the English 20-1 level, and should become proficient at more complex writing tasks at the English 30-1 level. In English 30-1, serious works of literature are emphasized, making the course demanding and challenging. The students’ final grade for English 30-1 is weighted 70% school-awarded mark and 30% diploma exam mark. The English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1 route demands a considerable amount of reading, homework, and study time. English 30-1 is a course intended for students who wish to enrol in degree programs at post-secondary institutions. A final grade of 60% or better in English 10-1 and English 20-1 is recommended for students to continue in the 20-1 or 30-1 program. Students who earn a final grade of 50-59% should register in English 20-2 or 30-2.

English 10-2, 20-2, 30-2

These courses are for students who need to strengthen their use of language and their understanding of texts. The -2 signifies the minimum level required for graduation. In English 10-2, 20-2, and 30-2, students study literature and writing that is less complex than that studied in the more academic route. Print and non-print texts are generally of a high interest level and are less difficult to read and analyze; composition is more personal in nature. The students’ final grade for English 30-2 is weighted 70% teacher awarded mark and 30% diploma exam mark. The English 10-2, 20-2, and 30-2 route demands a moderate amount of reading, homework, and study time. English 30-2 is a course intended for students who wish to enrol in a diploma program at post-secondary institutions or who choose to enter the workforce following graduation.

English 10-4, 20-4, 30-4

These courses are for students who are earning a Certificate of High School Achievement in the KAE Program. The aim of English Language Arts is to improve communication skills in six areas – listening, speaking, viewing, reading, writing and representing. In English 10-4, 20-4, and 30-4, students focus on developing the basic language competencies needed for everyday living at home, in the community and in the workplace. Successful completion of English 30-4 is required for all students in order to earn a Certificate of Achievement.

Course List

The following English courses are available at MCHS. Click on the course level to read descriptions of each of the courses available at that level.

Grade 10 Level Courses

English 10-1

Prerequisite: Completion of Grade 9 Language Arts and/or English 10-2
Recommended Minimum Final Grade in Prerequisite: Excellent/Competent or 65%
Credits: 5

In this course, you'll develop your communication skills by studying and responding to various forms of literature that relate to cultural and societal issues: these may include short stories, non-fiction, poetry, a modern play, a feature film and a novel. This course is best suited to students who want to pursue a career that requires strong reading, writing and communications skills, and are seriously considering continuing their education at a post-secondary institution.

English 10-2

Prerequisite: Completion of Grade 9 Language Arts
Recommended Minimum Final Grade in Prerequisite: Satisfactory
Credits: 5

In English 10-2, you will further develop your communication skills in all the English Language Arts strands. Focus will be placed on the development of knowledge and skills learned through the study of short stories, non-fiction, poetry, a modern play, a feature film and a novel. This course is recommended for students interested in pursuing post-secondary programs that do not have a primary focus in English.

English 10-4

Prerequisite: Completion of Modified Grade 9 Language Arts
Credits: 5

In English 10-4, students will study five themes that focus on forms of communication, constructing meaning, media, the world of work, and a novel study.
Theme 1: Communicating with Others
Theme 2: Constructing Meaning
Theme 3: The Marvelous Media: Advertising
Theme 4: The World of Work
Theme 5: Novel Study

This Knowledge & Employability course is designed to help students who have experienced difficulty with their English Language Arts skills discover strategies for success, and is part of sequence geared towards students who wish to undertake additional training/courses, and/or pursue other opportunities that may not require post-secondary education.

English Language Arts Honours Program

This program is designed for students seeking to immerse themselves in a challenging English Language Arts environment and enhance their learning in preparation for post-secondary education. Its purpose is to enable students to reach their full academic potential while granting access to unique learning opportunities exclusive to this program.

Students will continue to develop core skills in reading, writing, discussion, viewing, and representing as they would in the regular 10-1 class, but they will additionally have the opportunity to dive deeper into classic literature, pursue personal research projects, and express themselves creatively in a variety of mediums. A minimum achievement of 85%
(Excellent) in English Language Arts 9 or a teacher recommendation is required for enrolment in the English Language Arts 10-1 Honours Program.

Grade 11 Level Courses

English 20-1

Prerequisite: Completion of English 10-1 or 20-2
Credits: 5

In this course, you will both study and create a variety of written works in English. Texts for this course include short stories, poetry, non-fiction, a graphic novel, a modern play, a Shakespearian play and a novel. This course is best suited to students who want to pursue a career that requires strong reading, writing and communications skills, and are seriously considering continuing their education at a post-secondary institution.

English 20-2

Prerequisite: Completion of English 10-1 or 10-2
Credits: 5

This rigorous course helps you build skills for practical application of English language arts in your personal or working life. Emphasis is on effective spoken and written communication, peer-to-peer communication, and critical thinking as applied to literature and the world around you. English 20-2 has been embedded with opportunities to learn and build skills in a way best suited to you, the individual learner. This course is recommended for students interested in pursuing post-secondary programs that do not have a primary focus in English.

English 20-4

Prerequisite: Completion of English 10-4
Credits: 5

In this course, students will become more knowledgeable about their roles in the workplace and in society. They’ll study how to communicate with others and construct meaning in literature, media, and the world of work. 
Theme 1: Communicating with Others
Theme 2: Constructing Meaning in Literature
Theme 3: The Marvelous Media
Theme 4: The World of Work
Theme 5: The Novel Study

This Knowledge & Employability course is designed to help students who have experienced difficulty with their English Language Arts skills discover strategies for success, and is part of sequence geared towards students who wish to undertake additional training/courses, and/or pursue other opportunities that may not require post-secondary education.

Grade 12 Level Courses

English 30-1

Prerequisite: Completion of English 20-1 or 30-2
Credits: 5

In this course, you will both study and create a variety of written works in English. Texts for this course include short stories, poetry, non-fiction, a graphic novel, a modern play, a Shakespearian play and a novel. This course is best suited to students who want to pursue a career that requires strong reading, writing and communications skills, and are seriously considering continuing their education at a post-secondary institution.

English 30-2

Prerequisite: Completion of English 20-1 or 20-2
Credits: 5

This rigorous course helps you build skills for practical application of English language arts in your personal or working life. Emphasis is on effective spoken and written communication, peer-to-peer communication, and critical thinking as applied to literature and the world around you. English 30-2 has been embedded with opportunities to learn and build skills in a way best suited to you, the individual learner. This course is recommended for students interested in pursuing post-secondary programs that do not have a primary focus in English.

English 30-4

Prerequisite: Completion of English 20-4
Credits: 5

In this course, students will become more knowledgeable about their roles in the workplace and in society. They’ll study how to communicate with others and construct meaning in literature, media, and the world of work.
Theme 1: Communication and Identity
Theme 2: Constructing Meaning in Literature
Theme 3: The Art of Writing
Theme 4: The World of Work
Theme 5: The Novel Study

This Knowledge & Employability course is designed to help students who have experienced difficulty with their English Language Arts skills discover strategies for success, and is part of sequence geared towards students who wish to undertake additional training/courses, and/or pursue other opportunities that may not require post-secondary education.