About Science Courses

Senior High Science courses are designed to provide students an opportunity to understand the scientific world and gain an appreciation for scientific research. In addition, students attain a level of scientific awareness, become scientifically literate, explore careers in science, and make informed decisions.

Students begin high school in a general science program that is designed to provide a strong background in science and technology. In the second year of science, the student may choose to enter one or more of the individual disciplines - Biology, Chemistry or Physics - or remain in the general program, depending on their individual interests and the entry requirements of their chosen post-secondary institution. 

Science is one of the required courses that students must take to prepare for continued academic studies and/or to improve their knowledge of the above processes for the world of work. Students require a 20-level (Grade 11) Science course to graduate from high school.

All Science courses are worth five credits each. All 30-level Science courses are diploma exam courses, and students' final grades in these courses are calculated as 70% of their school-awarded mark plus 30% of their diploma exam mark.

Course Sequences

Science 10, followed by Biology 20-30, Chemistry 20-30 and/or Physics 20-30

These academic science courses demand that students be attentive, thoughtful and good communicators, both orally and in writing. The individual science disciplines are designed for students who plan to move into post-secondary education programs that require extensive scientific knowledge. Skill at mathematical concepts and procedures are good indicators of success in the sciences. 

Science 10-20-30

The general Science 10-20-30 sequence will meet the needs of most students hoping to go into technical school, college or directly into the work force.

Science 14-24

This basic science program is ideal for the student planning to proceed directly from high school into the work force. Basic scientific knowledge and principles are studied. Successful completion can provide an avenue to move into the more academic Science program. 

These programs are the minimum requirements for a high school diploma, but do not meet any post-secondary entrance requirements, nor do they meet the requirements necessary for many of the trades

Science 14KAE

This program covers the same curriculum as Science 14, but is intended for students with diverse learning needs. Students enrolled in the KAE program require extra support and accommodations.

Course List

The following Science courses are available at MCHS. Click on the course level to read descriptions of each of the courses available at that level.

Grade 10 Level Courses

Science 10

Prerequisite: Completion of Grade 9 Science and/or Science 14
Credits: 5

This is the introductory course in the academic program. It deals with concepts relating to cycling matter in living systems (introductory Biology), energy and matter in chemical change (introductory Chemistry), energy flow in technological systems (introductory Physics), and energy flow in global systems.

A final mark of 60% or greater in Science 10 is the necessary prerequisite to enter Biology 20 or Chemistry 20. A final mark of 65% or greater is the necessary prerequisite to enter Physics 20.

Grade 10 students should successfully complete Math 10 Combined before enrolling in Chemistry 20 or Physics 20, and be entering the Math-1 stream at the 20 and 30 levels. Students with marks lower than the required 60% or 65% but greater than 50% in Science 10 are recommended to take Science 20 in Grade 11.

Science 10 - Honours

Prerequisite: A minimum achievement of 85% (Excellent) in Science 9 or a teacher recommendation is required for enrolment in the Science 10 Honours Program.
Credits: 5

This program is designed for students seeking to challenge themselves in an enriched
Science environment and enhance their learning in preparation for post-secondary education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Its purpose is to enable students to reach their full academic potential while granting access to unique learning opportunities exclusive to this program. Students will continue to develop core skills in scientific inquiry, experimentation, data analysis, critical thinking, and scientific communication as they would in the regular Science 10 class, but they will additionally have the opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities, such as participating in science fairs, conducting independent research projects, and exploring other advanced learning experiences.

Science 14

Prerequisite: Completion of Grade 9 Science
Credits: 5

In this course, you’ll investigate matter and energy in living systems and the environment. You’ll also complete lab activities using common household materials.

Science 14 students study: 

  • Properties of Matter 
  • Energy Transfer Technologies 
  • From Life to Lifestyle 
  • Matter and Energy in the Biosphere

Grade 11 Level Courses

Science 20

Prerequisite: Completion of Science 10
Credits: 5

If you’re interested in science, but don’t plan to pursue a post-secondary program with a focus on science, this is the course for you. In Science 20, you’ll explore the concept of change, and get an overview of topics in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Science 20 students study:

  • Chemical Changes
  • Changes in Motion
  • The Changing Earth
  • Changes in Living Systems 

Biology 20

Prerequisite: Completion of Science 10
Credits: 5

Biology is the study of living things from the molecular level to the biosphere. Students are given an opportunity to explore and understand the natural world and to become aware of the profound influence of biology in their lives.

Biology 20 students study:

  • Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere
  • Ecosystems and Population Change
  • Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
  • Human Systems

Chemistry 20

Prerequisite: Completion of Science 10
Credits: 5

Chemistry is the study of the basic substances that make up matter and how matter is changed. As chemistry is quantitative science, superior ability in mathematics will be essential for success in this course. Student enrollment in the Math-1 stream is recommended.

Chemistry 20 students study:

  • Chemical Bonding
  • Gases as a Form of Matter
  • Solutions, Acids, and Bases
  • Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Change

Physics 20

Prerequisite: Completion of Science 10
Credits: 5

Physics is the study of motion and the interaction between matter and energy. Mathematics is used extensively, and students should have a good academic standing in Mathematics to ensure success in physics. Student enrollment in the Math-1 stream is strongly recommended. 

Physics 20 students study:

  • Kinematics
  • Dynamics
  • Circular Motion Work and Energy
  • Oscillatory Motion and Mechanical Waves

Science 24

Prerequisite: Completion of Science 14
Credits: 5

In this course, you’ll study topics that relate to everyday life, like energy use, safe driving, human health, defenses against disease, and fundamental chemistry.

Science 24 students study: 

  • Matter and Chemical Change 
  • Energy Transformations 
  • Disease Defense and Human Health 
  • Safety in Transportation

Grade 12 Level Courses

Science 30

Prerequisite: Completion of Science 20
Credits: 5

If you’re interested in science, but don’t plan to pursue a post-secondary program with a focus on science, this is the course for you. In Science 30, you’ll explore the concept of energy, and get an overview of topics in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Science 30 students study:

  • Maintaining Health
  • Chemistry and the Environment
  • Electromagnetic Energy
  • Energy and the Environment

Biology 30

Prerequisite: Completion of Biology 20
Credits: 5

Biology is the study of living things from the molecular level to the biosphere. Students are given an opportunity to explore and understand the natural world and to become aware of the profound influence of biology in their lives.

Biology 30 students study:

  • Nervous and Endocrine Systems
  • Reproduction and Development
  • Cell Division Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Population and Community Dynamics 

Chemistry 30

Prerequisite: Completion of Chemistry 20
Credits: 5

Chemistry is the study of the basic substances that make up matter and how matter is changed. As chemistry is quantitative science, superior ability in mathematics will be essential for success in this course. Student enrollment in the Math-1 stream is recommended.

Chemistry 30 students study:

  • Chemical Energy
  • Electrochemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Chemical Equilibrium Focusing on Acid-Base Systems

Physics 30

Prerequisite: Completion of Physics 20
Credits: 5

Physics is the study of motion and the interaction between matter and energy. Mathematics is used extensively, and students should have a good academic standing in Mathematics to ensure success in physics. Student enrollment in the Math-1 stream is strongly recommended. 

Physics 30 students study:

  • Momentum and Impulse
  • Forces and Fields
  • Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Atomic Physics