Personal Fitness Training (15-25-35)

Prerequisites: as outlined in courses offered during regular school
Credits: 3 or 5

This course offers a unique opportunity for students to train during the school day or in the morning before our regular 8:30 classes begin because it will run from 7:00-8:20 am every other day, 2-3 days a week for one semester (3 credits) or all year (5 credits).

It is recommended to any motivated students who want to explore an opportunity to improve their personal well-being. This could mean athletes who are serious about maximizing their potential in their sport(s) of choice and/or it could be students who are looking to maximize and thrive in life in general.

Students taking this class will need to be able to get transportation to the school before the start of the regular day. Also, this version of Personal Fitness will require some coursework to be completed independently. Learning and participating in this program will allow for students to gain an appreciation for how personal fitness can positively impact physical and mental health. It's just a great way to start the day! Also, it has the potential to possibly open up time during the regular school day where students can add a class, add a spare or pursue work opportunities earlier in the day.

Students can earn up to 5 credits in this course.

Personal Fitness 15 

Prerequisite: None
Credits: 5

Personal Fitness 15 is intended to help provide students with the tools to become the best version of themselves, while encouraging ways to achieve a healthier lifestyle. This course is recommended to any motivated students who want to explore an opportunity to improve their personal well-being. Students can take Personal Fitness 15 in a co-ed class environment or they can register in Personal Fitness 15 for females only. This program is perfect for students who want to challenge themselves, because they want to enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding personal fitness.

Through a combination of theory and practical exposure to these areas, students will be provided with a multitude of learning opportunities, such as CrossFit, metabolic conditioning, muscular strength and endurance training, and yoga.

Students will also have the chance for learning opportunities outside of the school, including in areas such as firefighter training, rock climbing and boxing. Learning and participating in this program will allow for students to gain an appreciation for how personal fitness can positively impact all aspects of life.


Personal Fitness 25

Prerequisite: Personal Fitness 15
Credits: 5

Personal Fitness 25 is a continuation of the Personal Fitness 15 curriculum. The program is designed to develop skills that senior high school students can apply in their daily lives. Through the Personal Fitness program, students are provided with opportunities to personalize their learning, identify and explore their interests in this area.

Students will also have the chance for learning opportunities outside of the school, including areas such as attending high performance training facilities and attempting an official ninja warrior obstacle course. Students will also have the chance for learning opportunities outside of the school, including in areas such as firefighter training, rock climbing and boxing.

Learning and participating in this program will allow for students to gain an appreciation for how personal fitness can positively impact all aspects of life.

Personal Fitness 35

Prerequisite: Personal Fitness 25
Credits: 5

Personal Fitness 35 is a continuation of the Personal Fitness 25 curriculum. The program is designed to develop skills that senior high school students can apply in their daily lives.

Through the Personal Fitness program, students are provided with opportunities to personalize their learning, identify and explore their interests in this area. Students will have the chance for learning opportunities outside of the school, including areas such as attending high performance training facilities and attempting an official ninja warrior obstacle course.

Students will also have the chance to take part in firefighter training, rock climbing and boxing. Learning and participating in this program will allow for students to gain an appreciation for how personal fitness can positively impact all aspects of life.